RIBA-USA was formed in 1997 to represent and amplify the work of over 400 RIBA Chartered Members living and working in the United States. We are continuing our work with a focus on climate change mitigation through the creation of better, healthier and more efficient built environments supporting a wide array of cultural, commercial & educational endeavors.
The RIBA-USA is part of the Americas Region of the RIBA and a tax exempt organization
authorized under the provisions of section 501.c.3 of the US Internal Revenue Code .
RIBA USA's primary mission is to conduct programs that educate public and private sector leaders on architecture’s decisive role in improving social, economic and environmental conditions that impact the wellbeing millions of lives.
Our world needs better ways of creating shelter and environments for an ever expanding array of human endeavors. From basic housing to education, commerce and community development, the work and research of our RIBA USA Members will soon be showcased on this site.
Each of our Chapters benefits from volunteer help for programs and events.
Northwest, Southern California, Southwest, Midwest, Central & South, New England, New York and Philadelphia.
Architects do a great deal more and deliver a great deal more value than popular media would have people think.
Our educational programs are geared not only to the continual professional development of our Members but also to enrich the understanding of allied legal, accounting and business professions that often drive much of what architects do and the projects on which they work.